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Saturday, October 19, 2013

RUPAD Profile

Organization Background 
Rural People in Action for Development is a civil society organization that has existed since 2006.  The general objective of the organization is to ensure an Integrated and Holistic rural Development and welfare services delivery to the community, targeting rural farmers, People living with HIV/AIDS and their families, women, youth people with disabilities, and other disadvantaged groups in the community. This is ensured through carefully selected  seven thematic areas of Gender, Human Rights and Appropriate Technology , Vocational skills training, Environmental Protection, Nutrition and Agrarian Production ,Enterprise training and development, HIV/AIDS, water, sanitation and Rural Health Training and Lobbying and Advocacy.
 Organization Objectives
To equip rural communities in Uganda with knowledge , information, skills and technologies that enable them to develop as they sustain nature and protect Biodiversity.
2-To provide an opportunity to the rural women, girls, youth out of school, orphans and other vulnerable children to develop their potential and exploit their resources to the full through equipping them with vocational skills.
3-To mobilise resources for supporting sustainable economic security of rural communities.
4-To uplift the social economic status of the disadvantaged groups through training and provision of income generating activities at family level.
5-Advocacy,training and financial support to rural people targeting holistic rural intervention and human rights issues.
6-To sensitise and train rural communities in sustaining environmental components especially soils, wetlands, forests and water bodies.
7-To train rural communities in organic and sustainable agriculture to facilitate them access better crop markets and food security especially  among Orphans and Vulnerable Children, People Living With AIDS’s, People With Disabilities and other vulnerable groups
8- To instil a culture of hardworking, creativity and innovativeness among rural communities especially the youth and women through institutional development
9- To sensitise rural people in advocacy and lobbying skills so as to address issues like Human rights, Gender disparities, social conflicts and  protecting the beauty of our mother earth for the future generations.